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Ava, Martin: Professor at the School of Law at the University of Buenos Aires, Lawyer at the Ministerio Publico de la Defensa, Office of the Public Guardian
Burlando Paez, Alejandro: Psychologist, Ministerio de Salud - Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Dabove, M. Isolina: Professor, Researcher of CONICET at University of Buenes Aires (Law School), University of Rosario (Law School) and Research Centre of Elder Law
websites: www.derecho.uba.ar or www.fder.unr.edu.ar
Dalila Barrientos, Patricia: Licenciada en servicio social, Directora de la Dirección de Formación Gerontológica Continua del Ministerio de Gobierno de la Subsecretaría de familia de Neuquén
Dr. Depalma, Alejandro: Publisher and CEO of Editorial Astrea (specialised in Law Books), Buenes Aires
Di Renzo, Maria Susana: Lawyer, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Rosario
Di Tullio Budassi, Rosana Gabriela: Lawyer, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Rosario
Domingo Robino, Alejandro: Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires
Ferioli, Diego: Law Offices, Cordoba
Fernandez Oliva, Marianela: Lawyer and Professional Researcher, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Rosario
Garré, Malena: Lawyer, Adjunct professor at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), advisor to the Council of the Judiciary of the Nation of the Judicial Branch of the Nation, researcher of the Old Age Law work team for both the CPO course as well as from the Gioja Institute of the Faculty of Law, UBA.
Garrigou, Maria: Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires
Goizueta, Maria Perla: Public Curator/ Defensora Publica Curadora for persons with intelectual or mental disabilities without family and without moeny, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
Iglesias, Carolina Anabella: Licenciada en Psicología (UBA), Prof. de Psicología (UBA), Maestranda en Derecho de la Vejez (UNC). Creadora de @SeneS.personasmayores Comunidad Antiviejista.
website: www.senespersonasmayores.com
Lanza, Pablo: Doctor in Law, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Rosario
Leonardi, Alicia Beatriz: Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires
Martinez Lima, Lucia: Research Fellow, Ambrosio L. Gioja" Legal and Social Research Institute, Buenos Aires
website: www.derecho.uba.ar/investigacion/instituto-gioja/
Melon, M. Luz:
[en] Diplomat, former Vice Chair of the UN Third Committee and CSW, Board Member of the Diplomatic Professional Association of Argentina (APSEN), invited professor and researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires
[es] Ministra, Miembro de la Comisión Directiva - Prosecretaria Asociación Profesional del Servicio Exterior de la Nación (APSEN)
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto
de la República Argentina
Navarro Lahitte Santamaria, Maria Adelina: Defensoria General de la Nacion, Buenos Aires
Nawojczyk, Erika: Abogada (Fder-UNR), Profesora Superior en Abogacía (UCA), Especialista en Bioética (FLACSO Argentina), Maestranda en Derecho de la Vejez (UNC), Profesora Titular por concurso de Ética aplicada y de la Abogacía (Facultad de Derecho-UNICEN), Profesora Adjunta por concurso de Introducción a la Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales, Cátedra C, con extensión de funciones ad honorem en Filosofía del Derecho, Cátedra D, Derecho de la Vejez y Derecho de la Salud (Facultad de Derecho - UNR), Co-Directora del Centro de Investigaciones en Derecho de la Salud (CIDS, Facultad de Derecho-UNR), Co-Directora del Centro de Estudios Feministas Jurídicos y Sociales (CEFEJUS, Facultad de Derecho-UNR), Rosari
Palacios, Agustina: Leader of the interdisciplinary research group on Disability, Society and Human Rights at National University of Mar del Plata
Rajmil, Alicia: Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Rosario
Rositto, Sebastian Ariel: Lawyer, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Rosario
Spina, Marcela Viviana: Professor in Elder Law, Colegio de Escribanos de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires
Vidal Dondero, Maria Cristina: Lawyer, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Buenos Aires
Vitta, Bernardo Javier: Lawyer, Research Centre of Elder Law, University of Buenos Aires


Tenfen Silva, Larissa: Lawyer (Tenfen Advocacia), Teacher (specialisation courses and various courses), PhD student in Family Law (Elderly Person Law) in the Postgraduate Law Programme at the Federal University of Santa Catarina/Brazil.
website: tenfenadvocacia.com.br


Arenas Massa, Angela: Lawyer, PhD in Law Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Universidad Finis Terrae
website: www.finisterrae.cl
Bozanic, Agnieszka: PhD, Teacher/Researcher, Psychology School, Faculty of Education and Social Science, Universidad Andrés Bello (Viña del Mar)
website: facultades.unab.cl/educacionycssociales/carrera/psicologia/
Fundación GeroActivismo
website: www.geroactivismo.com
Mora Biere, Tania: Lawyer, Master's degree in International Human Rights Law, Directora de la Fundación Henry Dunant América Latina; Founder Gero saber (digital agency dedicated to the dissemination of expert knowledge on aging and old age)
website: Fundación Henry Dunant – América Latina (fundacionhenrydunant.org)
Quiroga Jimenez, Alexandra: Master in Criminal Law, Lawyer and Guardian Ad Litem of older adults, Corporación de Asistencia Judicial (CAJTA), city of Antofagasta
website: www.cajta.cl/unidad/36/info
Riveros Ferrada, Carolina: Professor for Civil Law, Family Law, Elder Law and Medical Law at University of Talca
pdf-file: www.juridicasysociales.utalca.cl/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Ficha-Academica-Carolina-Riveros-Ferrada.pdf


Costa Rica
Fernandez Chaves, Jaime Jose: MA in Gerontology, BA in Nursing, Director of the Graduate Program in Gerontology and Professor of Nursing at the University of Costa Rica
Rivera Villalobos, Karla: Bachelor of Law Student, University of Costa Rica
websites: derecho.ucr.ac.cr and www.ucr.ac.cr


Bregaglio Lazarte, Renata: Lawyer, MA in Human Rights, Professor at the Law Department, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
website: www.pucp.edu.pe
Constantino Caycho, Renato Antonio: Professor at the Law Department, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
website: www.pucp.edu.pe/profesor/renato-constantino-caycho
Gomez Holguin, Rosaestela: Lawyer (Peruvian University of Applied Sciences),
Master in Elder Law (National University of Córdoba), Co-Founder and President of the Nietos Itinerantes Civil Association, Specialist in gerontology, care of older adults and policies for aging and old age.
Mejía Rosasco, Rosalia: Doctor of Law and Notary, Lima
website: notariarosaliamejia.com


de Mees, Gloria Monique: Commissioner, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Organization of American States
website: www.oas.org/en/iachr/


Cámpora, Alejandro: Lawyer, Professor and Member of the Assemly of the Faculty of Law of the University of the Republic - Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay

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